News in brief

12 February, 2019 / infocus

International preventative care survey

An international research project is asking primary care dentists in the UK, Ireland, Denmark, Germany, and the Netherlands to answer two short questionnaires, which have been developed as part of the EU-funded Added Value for Oral Healthcare (ADVOCATE) project that aims to encourage a preventative approach in dentistry.

The Faculty of General Dental Practice (FGDP(UK)) is one organisation supporting the research by encouraging dentists to give a few minutes of their time to participate.

There are two surveys; the attitudes questionnaire aims to capture dentists’ beliefs and experiences around delivering preventative care to adult patients; and the preferences questionnaire asks dentists to consider clinical scenarios in which photographs and radiographs of patients of a given age and caries risk level are presented.

The surveys can be found online through the FGDP website and will close around the beginning of March. They do not request any personal data.

Gum disease and pregnancy

A study published in the Journal of Clinical Periodontology has found that pregnant women with gum disease are significantly more likely to go into early labour, according to the findings of a new study. Research discovered that women who entered labour early were one and a half times more likely (45 per cent) to have gum disease than women who experienced a perfect pregnancy (29 per cent). The study also found that early birth rates were more common for women with untreated tooth decay or fillings.

CPD review published

The GDC have published the results of their commissioned literature review of continued professional development (CPD) activities, models and best practice. The review was carried out by the Association of Dental Education in Europe (ADEE) from June to October 2018. Researchers reviewed more than 800 publications on CPD, from across the UK and internationally, and surveyed research areas experts, including those from  health regulators, and beyond. The GDC will now use the findings of the review to drive future development of CPD for dental professionals. The full findings of the review, and an executive summary, can be found on the GDC’s website.

SDCEP app updated

The SDCEP ‘Dental Prescribing’ app has been updated following amendments to the latest edition of the British National Formulary (BNF 76) which was published in September 2018. This update includes information on the 2016 amendment to
NICE Clinical Guideline 64 ‘Prophylaxis against infective endocarditis’ and the associated SDCEP Implementation Advice which was published in August 2018.

Tags: 2019 / news in-brief

Categories: Magazine / News

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