Nurse struck off after PSA appeal
GDC committee’s decision to impose conditions on registration is overturned after Court of Session quashes original sanction
A dental nurse who worked alongside disgraced Ayrshire dentist Alan Morrison has been removed from the GDC’s register after an appeal by the Professional Standards Authority (PSA).
In February last year, conditions were imposed on Dawn Grant’s registration after a Professional Conduct Committee (PCC) case that was held in parallel with the cases of Morrison and his practice manager Lorraine Kelly. The dentist and practice manager were both struck off as a result of a series of infection control breaches and Morrison for falsifying invoices for supplies and instruments that he didn’t buy. Grant was placed under conditions for 12 months for re-using single-use items, inadequate infection control and dishonestly responding to the investigation by NHS Ayrshire and Arran.
However, in April last year the PSA lodged an appeal against the ruling and, on 1 December 2016 the Court of Session quashed the GDC’s original decision and ordered that the case be remitted back to the PCC to reconsider the sanction.
In its reconsideration of the case, the GDC committee revealed that it had received no evidence that Grant had taken any steps towards addressing her past impairment or “demonstrated any insight into the serious findings against her”.
It also reported that Grant had not engaged with the regulator with regards to compliance with the conditions imposed upon her a year ago. The PCC stated: “The committee has reached serious findings against Mrs Grant and is satisfied, for the reasons rehearsed in its previous determination, that her misconduct is so serious that it is necessary to direct that her name be erased from the Dental Care Professionals’ Register. The committee is satisfied that Mrs Grant poses a risk to patients and that it would be inconsistent to allow her the opportunity to continue to practise during the intervening appeal period.”
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