Figures show nine out of 10 people registered with NHS

25 March, 2015 / infocus

More people than ever are registering with an NHS dentist in Scotland, according to the latest government figures.

In addition, public health minister Maureen Watt MSP revealed that three quarters of those registering have attended an appointment within the last two years.

The latest statistics show that almost nine out of 10 people in Scotland are now registered with an NHS dentist, the highest ever reported rate.

It marks an increase of 75 per cent from the 2.6 million patients registered in 2007.

Of those registered, 74 per cent had seen their dentist within the last two years, although children were more likely than adults to have attended an appointment.

The figures also show the deprivation gap has closed for children who are registered with a dentist, 89 per cent for the most deprived and 90 per cent for the least deprived.

Ms Watt said: “Since 2007, we have made great strides in improving people’s access to an NHS dentist with nearly two million more people registered under this government.

“It is particularly welcome to see that 92 per cent of children in Scotland are registered and that this rate remains high across all sections of society.”

Separate statistics also published last month showed that the number of children receiving fluoride varnishing treatment across Scotland has increased considerably over the last year.

Nationally, the total number of three-year-old children receiving two or more fluoride varnishing treatments has increased from 12,192 in 2012/13 to 19,320 in 2013/14, a rise of 58 per cent.

For four-year-old children in Scotland, the total number receiving fluoride varnishing treatment has risen from 13,068 in 2012/13 to 21,235 in 2013/14, an increase of 62 per cent.

Ms Watt said that she would also be making a nationwide appeal for more people to attend their dentists for checkups.

Tags: Dental statistics / Maureen Watt / NHS Dentists Scotland / Registered with NHS

Categories: Magazine / News

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