Futureproof your implant dentistry with the ITI
The ITI Congress UK & Ireland 2021 will be held on October 1-2 in Edinburgh; its vibrant programme offering insight into what lies ahead in the field, while also bringing together a community of professionals who share the same passion for excellence in implantology
Eoin O’Sullivan is a Fellow of the ITI and Chair of the Scientific Programme Committee for the ITI Congress UK & Ireland 2021, entitled Future Proof.
Sharing why he feels it is so important right now to be looking ahead and focusing on emerging trends and solutions, Eoin said: “In the COVID era, we need to be able to work more efficiently and predictably than ever before. The latest innovations and clinical approaches will help us to do this, supported by the use of digital technology and new implant designs. Bringing all of this to one event gives dental professionals an opportunity to get up-to-date with the latest information, research and ideas in the field.”
Colin Burns, Chair of the ITI Section UK & Ireland, discussed what the aim for the educational programme was when putting together speakers and content: “The goal of the ITI is to represent everyone who contributes to the provision of implant dentistry, including dentists, dental hygienists and therapists, and dental nurses. Aligned with our members and fellows who work in the spheres of academia and research, we have sought to develop a programme that will be of interest to all.
“We therefore have chosen speakers who have inspired us during our careers in the hope that they inspire others in the same way. We have also highlighted the importance of the entire dental team with dedicated programmes for dental hygienists and therapists and dental nurses. It is crucial that we recognise and respect the massive role they play in caring for implant patients.
“The theme – Future Proof – is the brainchild of Samantha Smith, a member of our Scientific Committee. It perfectly embodies the ITI’s commitment to evidence-based implant dentistry, while highlighting the need to use techniques, protocols and materials that support long-term survival of the treatment we provide. We need to tailor treatment to maximise its resistance to failure in the future, proving its worth and protecting our patients from complications in the years to come.”
Eoin added: “We have gathered some of the greatest speakers and innovators in implant dentistry to give an evidenced-based review of where we stand in implantology today. They will present the latest developments and innovations in the market, based on current research.
“It is a very strong programme that has been designed to appeal to professionals who are both experienced and inexperienced in implant dentistry. My hope is that delegates will come away from the Congress fully updated on different areas of implant dentistry and they will be inspired to adopt some of the new approaches in their practices.”
The calibre of the speakers and education on offer clearly set the ITI Congress apart, but that’s not the only draw of the event. It will also provide a chance for networking and socialising with like-minded friends and colleagues.
As Eoin commented: “So many events have been cancelled as a result of the pandemic, so the ITI Congress 2021 may well be the first opportunity many of us have to safely meet face-to-face. In the ITI, we really value camaraderie and friendship, and we have organised what we hope will be an enjoyable social programme alongside the education. Indeed, the Straumann Parties are legendary! I am really looking forward to catching up many friends and colleagues at the Congress.”
Colin agrees that the opportunity for socialising and the importance of community are just as much a part of the ITI and this year’s Congress as education. He said: “I really hope that people enjoy themselves after being isolated and kept away from each other during the pandemic. The friendship and companionship within the ITI create such a strong bond between colleagues. Congress will be a chance to meet up with friends, to listen to international speakers and be inspired again.
“The Straumann sponsored party promises to be the best one ever – we are very excited about the live band and the fantastic venue. Sarah Gardiner, Events & Educational Courses Manager for Straumann, has been so supportive and worked with us to put on quite the show. I want everyone to have some fun with their friends, to be encouraged by the like-minded people around them and to find fresh motivation for excellent implant dentistry.”
ITI Congress UK & Ireland 2021, partnered by Straumann, October 1-2 2021, Edinburgh. For more information, or to register for your place, please visit https://events.iti.org/congressuk-ireland/
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